ui/twig/dashboards/default/scripts.html.twig line 240

Open in your IDE?
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  317.                     }
  318.                 }
  319.             );
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  321.         // Console Sidebar Nav Toggle
  322.         $(function() {
  323.             $('ul.editor__side-nav').on('click', 'a', function(e) {
  324.                 var $link = $(e.currentTarget),
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  326.                     $topitem = $link.closest('li');
  327.                 // remove the active state from all current items
  328.                 // skip the currently selected item to prevent odd behavior
  329.                 $topmenu
  330.                     .find('li')
  331.                     .not($topitem)
  332.                     .removeClass('active');
  333.                 // activate the current items
  334.                 $topitem.addClass('active');
  335.             });
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  337.                 var $link = $(e.currentTarget),
  338.                     $topmenu = $link.closest('ul'),
  339.                     $submenu = null,
  340.                     $topitem = null,
  341.                     $subitem = null;
  342.                 // fix the menus
  343.                 if ($topmenu.hasClass('cs-sub-menu')) {
  344.                     $submenu = $topmenu;
  345.                     $topmenu = $submenu.closest('ul');
  346.                 }
  347.                 // if there is a submenu above, then there are two items to consider
  348.                 if ($submenu !== null) {
  349.                     $subitem = $link.closest('li');
  350.                     $topitem = $subitem.closest('li');
  351.                 } else {
  352.                     $topitem = $link.closest('li');
  353.                 }
  354.                 // now, there might be a submenu related that we need to show
  355.                 // if nothing returns, clear out the variable
  356.                 $submenu = $topitem.children('ul.cs-sub-menu');
  357.                 if ($submenu.length === 0) {
  358.                     $submenu = null;
  359.                 }
  360.                 // remove the active state from all current items
  361.                 // skip the currently selected item to prevent odd behavior
  362.                 $topmenu
  363.                     .find('li')
  364.                     .not($topitem)
  365.                     .not($subitem)
  366.                     .removeClass('active');
  367.                 // slide up all open submenus
  368.                 // skip the currently selected item to prevent odd behavior
  369.                 $topmenu
  370.                     .find('ul.cs-sub-menu')
  371.                     .not($submenu)
  372.                     .slideUp(200);
  373.                 // activate the current items
  374.                 $topitem.addClass('active');
  375.                 if ($subitem !== null) {
  376.                     $subitem.addClass('active');
  377.                 }
  378.                 // if we have a submenu, open it
  379.                 // items with submenus should not have other actions, prevent default then
  380.                 if ($submenu !== null) {
  381.                     $submenu.slideDown(200);
  382.                     e.preventDefault();
  383.                 }
  384.             });
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  389.             var pause = 500;
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  393.             });
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