themes/bases/Campussuite2015/widgets/ModuleNewsOwlCarousel/build/sn.html.twig line 1

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  1. <div class="csmw cs-owl-carousel cs-news-carousel">
  2.     {% if _widget.heading is not empty %}
  3.         <div class="cs-widget-header">
  4.             <div class="cs-widget-header-heading">
  5.                 <{{ _widget.headingSize|default('h2') }} class="cs-widget-header-title">{{ _widget.heading }}</{{ _widget.headingSize|default('h2') }}>
  6.             </div>
  7.             {% if _widget.description is not empty %}
  8.                 <div class="cs-widget-header-body">{{ _widget.description }}</div>
  9.             {% endif %}
  10.         </div>
  11.     {% endif %}
  12.     {% if items|length > 0 %}
  13.         <div class="cs-owl-carousel-list owl-carousel">
  14.             {% for item in items %}
  15.                 {% set item_link = web_url_view(item, true) ?: '#' %}
  16.                 {% set item_opener = ( and item.linkExternal) %}
  17.                 <div class="cs-owl-carousel-li">
  18.                     {% if _widget.thumbnails is same as(true) %}
  19.                         {% set item_feature = item.feature|decorate_media %}
  20.                         <div class="cs-owl-carousel-li-img">
  21.                             <img
  22.                                 src="{{- item_feature
  23.                                     ? item_feature._urls.tiny
  24.                                     : cms_placeholderUrl('MASKS__RECTANGLE__SMALL', 'news')
  25.                                 -}}"
  26.                                 onclick="return Campussuite.Tools.jslink('{{- item_link|e('js') -}}', {{ item_opener ? 'true' : 'false' }});"
  27.                                 onkeypress="return Campussuite.Tools.jslink('{{- item_link|e('js') -}}', {{ item_opener ? 'true' : 'false' }});"
  28.                                 tabindex="-1"
  29.                                 alt="{{- item_feature ? item_feature.alt : '' -}}"
  30.                             />
  31.                         </div>
  32.                     {% endif %}
  33.                     <div class="cs-owl-carousel-li-heading">
  34.                         <{{ _widget.titleSizes|default('h3') }} class="cs-owl-carousel-li-title">
  35.                             <a href="{{- item_link|e('html_attr') -}}"{% if item_opener %} target="_blank"{% endif %}>{{ item.headline }}</a>
  36.                         </{{ _widget.titleSizes|default('h3') }}>
  37.                         {% if _widget.timestamps is same as(true) %}
  38.                             <div class="cs-owl-carousel-li-meta">
  39.                                 <span class="cs-owl-carousel-li-date">{{ item.createdAt|cms_date }}</span>
  40.                             </div>
  41.                         {% endif %}
  42.                     </div>
  43.                     {% if _widget.teasers is same as(true) or _widget.readLinks is same as(true) %}
  44.                         <div class="cs-owl-carousel-li-body">
  45.                             {% set bdy = cms_abstract(item.blurb, item.html) %}
  46.                             {% if _widget.teasers is same as(true) and bdy is not empty %}
  47.                                 <p>{{ bdy }}</p>
  48.                             {% endif %}
  49.                             {% if _widget.readLinks is same as(true) %}
  50.                                 <p class="cs-owl-carousel-li-link">
  51.                                     <a class="cs-owl-carousel-li-more-link" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true" href="#" onclick="return Campussuite.Tools.jslink('{{- item_link|e('js') -}}', {{ item_opener ? 'true' : 'false' }});">
  52.                                         Read Article
  53.                                         <span class="sr-only">{{ item.headline }}</span>
  54.                                     </a>
  55.                                 </p>
  56.                             {% endif %}
  57.                         </div>
  58.                     {% endif %}
  59.                 </div>
  60.             {% endfor %}
  61.         </div>
  62.         {% if _widget.dots is same as(true) -%}
  63.             <div id="{{ _htmlId }}-dots" class="cs-owl-carousel-dots owl-dots"></div>
  64.         {% endif -%}
  65.     {% else %}
  66.         <div class="cs-data-na">
  67.             <p>We're sorry, no articles were found for this listing.</p>
  68.         </div>
  69.     {% endif %}
  70.     {% if _widget.linkText is not empty or _widget.showSubscribe is same as(true) %}
  71.         <div class="csw-footer cs-owl-carousel-footer">
  72.             {% if _widget.linkText is not empty %}
  73.                 <a href="{{- (web_url_landing(container, module) ?: '#')|e('html_attr') -}}" class="csw-view-more">{{ _widget.linkText }}</a>
  74.             {% endif %}
  75.             {% if _widget.showSubscribe is same as(true) %}
  76.                 <a href="{{- (web_url_subscribe(container, module) ?: '#')|e('html_attr') -}}" class="csw-rss">Subscribe to News</a>
  77.             {% endif %}
  78.         </div>
  79.     {% endif %}
  80. </div>